Our Story

Where It All Started
Ben A. Garrett “Buddy Ben” bought the property and the spring in the early 1920s and developed the spring into a swimming pool that would later become the home of a private country club called Nantze Springs, complete with a dance hall and a 9 hole golf course with sand greens. In 1991, the Nantze Springs Bottled Spring Water company was started by the Garrett Family: Dad Fred Garrett, a retired veterinarian, Bill Garrett, an attorney in Montgomery, AL, Ben Garrett, a veterinarian in Dothan, AL, and Malone Garrett, who had finished his masters in business and completed his thesis on bottled water. Fred Garrett wanted to use the land to develop a business that could stay in the family for a long time. Since then, Malone's son, Iverson, has joined the company.

Where It's Going
Nantze Springs is commited to continued growth through our existing channels and developing other lanes for future growth. Through our Home/Office Delivery business, Direct Store Delivery, and Wholesale Delivery, we aim to build on our current customer relationships to expand our operations to more addresses and wider areas.